
7月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

Answers to the 15 questions part3

Q11. Why did Tokyo become candidate? A11. There are several reasons, but some are: to show technology, improve Fukushima's reputation, economical growth 東京オリンピックのメリットとデメリットまとめ!経済効果や具体例は?. (201, August 19). Retrieved July 26, 2017, from http://olm2020.jp/285.html 東京オリンピックパラリンピック大会計画. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from https://tokyo2020.jp/jp/games/plan/ ________________________________________ Q12. What can be changed so that foreigners can feel more comfortable during their trip? A12. From the answers of the survey, transportation. road signs and maps, and restaurants are first in priority to solve. Station maps are difficult to read and understand, some road signs and maps are still only in Japanese, and at restaurants, menus are not fully translated, and employees are not always confident with other languages ________________________________________ Q13. What are predicted consequences? A13. Budgets are high, there might be less economic effects as predicted, gap betw...

Answers to the 15 questions part2

Q6. About how much of the citizens of Tokyo actually don't want the Olympics in their city? A6. We will continue gathering answers from our survey. ________________________________________ Q7. What will happen to events that were planned to be held in existing sites? A7. There has been no alternative options so far, but there is a campaign 2020 会場問題 | 署名特設サイト. (n.d.). Retrieved July 26, 2017, from https://2020event.tokyo/ Okada.4/26にビッグサイト会場問題が重要局面を迎えます. (2017, April 14). Retrieved July 26, 2017, from http://kokoro.eikou.com/archives/845 ________________________________________ Q8. Where will all the sites be? How far will it be from Tokyo? A8. Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Chiba, Hokkaido, Miyagi. To go to Hokkaido from Tokyo, it takes at least an hour and half with plane. 東京オリンピックパラリンピック. (n.d.). オリンピック会場一覧. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from https://tokyo2020.jp/jp/games/venue/olympic/ Hiroya, T. (2017, July 1). 東京オリンピック 競技会場. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from h...

Answers to the 15 questions part1

Q1. How will the taxes be used? A1. sites, athlete dormitories, labor cost, security, advertisement, etc. 東京五輪の費用はどこからでているの?理解する3つのポイント. (2015, June 5). Retrieved July 26, 2017, from http://labori.jp/economic-situation/olympic/1956 NHK. (2013, December 7). ホントはいくら?東京五輪にかかるお金. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from http://www.nhk.or.jp/fukayomi/maru/2013/131207.html ________________________________________ Q2. Will public transportation function as it should with so many people? A2. probably will not in current system; alternatives are planned, like changing how people work, and creating a special net work Bureau of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Preparation. (2017, May 18). 輸送計画の状況. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from https://www.2020games.metro.tokyo.jp/taikaijyunbi/torikumi/yusou/index.html Sankei. (2017, July 24). 「テレワーク・デイ」900団体一斉実施、東京五輪を見据え交通混雑緩和 普及へは手探り. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from http://www.sankei.com/economy/news/170724/ecn1707240017-n1.html ______________________...

Survey Summary

First of all, thank you for taking the time to participate in my survey. For the first question "Did you know that Japan is recruiting volunteers for the Olympics?", it was predictable that the most of the respondents said "Yes. But, I would not like to participate".  As a result 77.78% answered so. Japan can't gather enough vounteers without making change of  their requirements or providing  better conditions. I also asked "In which ways do you believe that the 2020 Olympic might help Tokyo". I didn't expect that 66.67% would choose "bring in cash flow from tourists". Only one respondent picked for "create an increase of Olympic related employment” and two respondents picked for "create better transport and new infrastructure". The last choice was " provide good opportunities for Japanese to interact with foreigners." which no one picked. Therefore, 55.56% answered "English skill of Japanese might be ina...

results of my survey

I got 12 answers to my survey, and the results are as below. _____________________________ Surprisingly, only a single person was not supporting Tokyo for the 2020 Olympics host city. Since most of the people who answered the survey lived in Tokyo and other neighboring prefectures, I predicted that less people support it because there has been many negative voices on the news. Instead, there are 4 people for "neither", and reasons for this, they commented that they "don't really care", or "will not have the advantages that claimed so enthusiastically during the bidding process", etc. This result was surprising too, because my prediction was that answers will concentrate  on "soaring budgets". Instead, the issue with the new National Stadium came in first. This could be because there was recent news that a man working at the site committed suicide from overwork. This is the result of the matrix question. As you can se...

Good or bad website

There is no guarantee when it comes to iformation found on the internet. So how do you know if you can trust a website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself to make sure the website is good or bad. Does it introduce an author? Is the author a well-known person? Is the website old or up-to-date? Is the website personally or objectively written? Does the website have many subscribers? Does it have comments? Is the website rather closed site or does it link to a website?

perspective1 Japanese students who wants to work as a volunteer

I am a Japanese student learing English at university. Living in Japan, I rarely get opportunity to interact with foreigners. But now it's time for me to challenge my English skills at the up-coming Tokyo Olympic. I read the news paper on 4th July reported by Asahi Shimbun and it says that The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games are looking for the volunteers. I found out that there are several conditions that the volunteer should be able to meet. I think I am okay with requirements such as "be over 18 years old in 2020", "possess communication skills" and "speak foreign language". However, I am worried if I could go through three stages of training and an interview which are the requirements to be chosen for the volunteer. Of course, being a volunteer position, there is no payment for those selected. Plus, transportation and accommodation fee are not paid too. Since I am a teenage student, I do not have financial leeway. I s...

Perspective2 Japanese citizen who worries about vacaion rental

I am Japanese and I live in rental apartment with my family. To tell the truth, me and my family are feeling stressed about next-door neighbors. Since our neighbors have started "vacation rental" for upcoming Tokyo Olympics, I often see many different foreigners going in and out whenever they like. The noise and lettering  often becomes the cause of trouble between the foreigners, but it is no more than a small fraction of the problem. It is obvious that vacation rental hosings are  inferior to hotels in terms of security. What if someone is  smuggling illegal drugs or the room next to mine can be a hideaway for terrorists! By the growing number of foreign visitors, Tokyo will meet luck of lodging which means the demand of vacation rental will rise. I want Japanese government to make strict laws for vacation rental before the Tokyo Olympics so that me, my family and the whole society can live in peace. https://uchicomi.com/senden/column/?p=1210 https://news.goo.ne.jp/a...


This is a part of a news uploaded on Youtube explaining about issues Tokyo is facing during the preparation to host the Olympic games.

word cloud

Above is a word cloud created from http://www.rappler.com/sports/specials/olympics/37863-2020-olympics-candidate-cities-preview. As you can see in the image, the words "weaknesses" and "economy" are written in a relatively large font. This site explained about the strengths and weaknesses of the three candidate cities for the 2020 Olympics, and by just looking at the word cloud, it is easy to guess that each city had weak points. Economy is one of the biggest concerns for a candidate city, since many of the games don't bring much long lasting positive economic effects these days. ---------------------------- post by moe

Please answer our survey!

We created surveys that would help us answer some of the questions we listed in our previous posts. Please answer them to help us gather some data :) Ayane's survey: https://jp.surveymonkey.com/r/7TDZ22W Moe's survey:  https://jp.surveymonkey.com/r/PNDFJHS