Answers to the 15 questions part1

Q1. How will the taxes be used?
A1. sites, athlete dormitories, labor cost, security, advertisement, etc.

東京五輪の費用はどこからでているの?理解する3つのポイント. (2015, June 5). Retrieved July 26, 2017, from

NHK. (2013, December 7). ホントはいくら?東京五輪にかかるお金. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from


Q2. Will public transportation function as it should with so many people?
A2. probably will not in current system; alternatives are planned, like changing how people work, and creating a special net work

Bureau of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Preparation. (2017, May 18). 輸送計画の状況. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from

Sankei. (2017, July 24). 「テレワーク・デイ」900団体一斉実施、東京五輪を見据え交通混雑緩和 普及へは手探り. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from


Q3. Will there be enough accommodation facilities for both tourists and citizens?
A3. There are plans to reuse abandoned houses to supplement the 10,000 inadequate rooms

日本経済新聞. (2015, December 16). 20年の東京五輪、全国で宿1万室不足 . Retrieved July 26, 2017, from

Japan Styke 訪日ビジネスアイ. (2017, February 26). 空き家を丸ごと宿泊施設に 東京五輪にらみ施設不足解消に民間も一役 神奈川・湘南エリア. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from


Q4. Will all the sites be ready in time?
A4. It is supposed too, but many people are worried that it might not be ready for specific sports

リクナビNEXTジャーナル. (2016, June 11). 2020年東京オリンピック開催地“新国立競技場”は結局どうなるの!?. Retrieved July 26, 2017, from 日本経済新聞. (2015, December 16).

東京五輪メイン会場「新国立競技場」何をもめてるの?. (2013, November 21). Retrieved July 26, 2017, from


Q5. Why did the budget surge up so suddenly?
A5. Because there were changes made in the design of the stadium

*see Q4 for reference


post by moe


  1. I am looking forward to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as a citizen of the host country. I am interested in how Tokyo is going to change so that tourists can have fun in our country! I want to go see the athletes geting medals in the games too!! But, on the other hand I am worried about the over population in Tokyo when lots of tourists come. I think many trains and buses will get delayed and won't run on time. Also I think more trashes on the street will increase and the city might become more dirty than now.




Answers to the 15 questions part3

results of my survey

Tokyo Olympics from four perspectives: 3. tourist from America