results of my survey
I got 12 answers to my survey, and the results are as below.
Surprisingly, only a single person was not supporting Tokyo for the 2020 Olympics host city. Since most of the people who answered the survey lived in Tokyo and other neighboring prefectures, I predicted that less people support it because there has been many negative voices on the news. Instead, there are 4 people for "neither", and reasons for this, they commented that they "don't really care", or "will not have the advantages that claimed so enthusiastically during the bidding process", etc.
This result was surprising too, because my prediction was that answers will concentrate on "soaring budgets". Instead, the issue with the new National Stadium came in first. This could be because there was recent news that a man working at the site committed suicide from overwork.
This is the result of the matrix question. As you can see in the graph, most people are less likely to start a new sport, and also actually go see the games to sites. From this you can predict that some goals the Government of Tokyo is trying to archive, is probably not going to succeed. Also, not many are planning to go see the opening and closing ceremonies, and buy official goods. It may be difficult for Tokyo to collect money from tickets and goods.
Since I was able to get only 12 answers, the results are low in credibility, but it is true that there are some fraction of people who are worried about the games. I would like to continue collecting more answers to get accurate numbers, and apply it to the projects.
post by moe
You summarized the survey results well. It would have made the survey results more reliable if more people had responded. It was good that some surprises were revealed in the responses.