Survey Summary

First of all, thank you for taking the time to participate in my survey.

For the first question "Did you know that Japan is recruiting volunteers for the Olympics?", it was predictable that the most of the respondents said "Yes. But, I would not like to participate".  As a result 77.78% answered so. Japan can't gather enough vounteers without making change of  their requirements or providing  better conditions.

I also asked "In which ways do you believe that the 2020 Olympic might help Tokyo". I didn't expect that 66.67% would choose "bring in cash flow from tourists". Only one respondent picked for "create an increase of Olympic related employment” and two respondents picked for "create better transport and new infrastructure". The last choice was " provide good opportunities for Japanese to interact with foreigners." which no one picked. Therefore, 55.56% answered "English skill of Japanese might be inadequate" for the next question 
"Do you worry about any of these factors related to the Tokyo Olymipics?". From my survey, I found out that Japanese are not confident of their English communication skill. However, this does not means that Japanese are not welcoming foreigners. I believe most of the Japanese are looking forward to see tourists from all over the world with the spirit of  "OMOTENASHI".

As a conclusion, it was my pleasure to hear that more than half of respendents said they belive that the Tokyo Olympic will be a success.



Answers to the 15 questions part3

results of my survey

Tokyo Olympics from four perspectives: 3. tourist from America