15 questions

   Below are some questions that we will try to answer through our research:

1. How will the taxes be used?
2. Will public transportation function as it should be with so many people?
3. Will there be enough accommodation facilities for both tourists and citizens?
4. Will all the sites be ready in time?
5. Why did the budget surge up all the sudden?
6. About how much of the citizens of Tokyo actually don't want the Olympics in their city?
7. What will happen to events that were planned to be held in existing sites?
8. Where will all the sites be? How far will it be from Tokyo?
9. Will the games result in an economic plus overall or a minus?
10. How exactly will the legacy of the Olympics be used?
11. Why did Tokyo become a candidate in the first place?
12. What can be changed so that foreigners can feel more comfortable during their trip?
13. What are predicted consequences?
14. What can we learn from the previous Olympics?
15. Why are less cities wanting to host the games, and does the same concerns go for Tokyo?

posted by moe



Answers to the 15 questions part3

results of my survey

Tokyo Olympics from four perspectives: 3. tourist from America